No problems detected.

RSZ (Dimona) status:

Exact API status: view

Incidents in the past 7 days

  1. Dec 12

    No incidents on this day.

  2. Dec 11

    1. Scheduled maintenance

      Day 11/12 , starting at 18:00 CET / 17:00 GMT, with an expected downtime of 15-30 minutes. During this time, managers will not have access to CrewPlanner. Please ensure you save your work before this time to prevent any data loss. The employee app will remain available in offline mode. However, the tablet PIN code clocking option will not be accessible during maintenance. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If your team has any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

  3. Dec 10

    No incidents on this day.

  4. Dec 09

    1. Scheduled maintenance

      Monday 09/12, starting at 22:00 CET / 21:00 GMT, with an expected downtime of 60 minutes. During this time, managers will not have access to CrewPlanner. Please ensure you save your work before this time to prevent any data loss. The employee app will remain available in offline mode. However, the tablet PIN code clocking option will not be accessible during maintenance. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If your team has any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

    2. Resolved

      We’re currently experiencing some challenges causing longer loading times and occasional moments of no access. Our team is aware and working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

    3. Application has recovered.

    4. API has recovered.

    5. Application appears to be down.

    6. API appears to be down.

  5. Dec 08

    No incidents on this day.

  6. Dec 07

    No incidents on this day.

  7. Dec 06

    No incidents on this day.